“AI, AR and Interactive Technologies”
23 October 2022
Young Lungs Dance Exchange Screendance Conference
Panel with Freya Olafson and Julianne Chapple. Hosted by Jillian Groening.
Winnipeg, Manitoba (virtual)

on Animation and Embodiment (with Deborah Levitt)
21 October 2022
Hosted by Margot Bouman, Parsons College of Art and Design
The New School, New York
21 October 2022
Hosted by Margot Bouman, Parsons College of Art and Design
The New School, New York

“Dance Anima: Capturing Movement, Producing ‘Soul.’”
13-16 October, 2022
Dance and Surveillance Hub, Dance Studies Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
13-16 October, 2022
Dance and Surveillance Hub, Dance Studies Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

“Boston Dynamics, MMD and Lil Miquela: Technologized Dance as Instrument for Engineering ‘Life’”
12 February 2022
ITP Program, NYU Tisch School of the Arts, New York, USA

“‘Dancers Make Good Workers’: Boston Dynamics’ Dancing Robots and the Choreography of Labour.”
14-17 October 2021
Dance Studies Association Annual Conference
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NY, USA (virtual)

“The Digital Dance Body and the Grotesque”
30 April 2020
SESSIONS: Companion Talk to Exhibit by Rachel Maclean Dazibao Gallery, Montreal, QC

“’Who Moves?’: Dance as Posthuman Contagion in Anna Rose Holmer’s The Fits”
22 November 2019
RIRH Regards Hybrids Screendance Symposium Edifice Wilder, Agora Danse, Montreal, QC

“Animating the Kinetic Trace: Embodiment and Relation in MikuMikuDance”
15 November 2019
10th Annual RéQEF Masterclass: Feminism and Technology
Organized by Alanna Thain and Alexandra Ketchum IGSF, McGill, Montreal, QC
15 November 2019
10th Annual RéQEF Masterclass: Feminism and Technology
Organized by Alanna Thain and Alexandra Ketchum IGSF, McGill, Montreal, QC

“Why Humans at All?: Oskar Schlemmer’s Triadic Ballet as Precursor to Digital Mo-Cap Choreographies”
7 November 2019
MilieuXbauhaus Festival, Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology Concordia University, Montreal, QC
7 November 2019
MilieuXbauhaus Festival, Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology Concordia University, Montreal, QC

“Dancing Automata:” Pre-Show Talk for BESIDE
17 October 2019
Montréal Danse and Maribé – sors de corps, BESIDE pre-show Talk Theatre La Chapelle, Montreal, QC
“Assembling the Dancing Commons: Kinetic Human, Nonhuman, and Inhuman Multiplicities” (Panel Organizer)
8-12 August 2019
Dance Studies Association Annual Conference
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
“Posthuman Dancers: Animated Bodies and Kinetic Residue”
22-29 June 2019
Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies: The Technologization of Cultural Techniques (Hosted by Bernhard Siegert)
Weimar, Germany

“Dance Against Transcendence: Politicizing the Cyborg Body”
17 December 2018
Montréal Danse Choreographic Research Workshop Edifice Wilder, Montreal, QC
“The Disembodied Woman in Digital Art and Culture” 15-18 November 2018
Panel Organizer
Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (SLSA) Annual Conference
Toronto, Ontario

“Kate Bush, Hatsune Miku, and The Shared Body of Digital Dance” 26-27 September 2018
Work the Work: Curation as Research Creation
Round Table
Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology, Concordia University, Montreal

“Pornography, Ectoplasm and the Secret Dancer: A Twin Reading of Naomi Uman’s Removed.”
Co-presented with Sandra Huber
9-12 November 2017
Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (SLSA) Annual Conference
Tempe, Arizona

“Reaching into the Virtual: Dancing Hands
& Post-Human Intimacy in Bjork’s VR Videos”
16-18 March 2017
Codes and Modes: Virtual Reality and Non-Fiction Media Symposium
Hunter College, New York City, New York
16-18 March 2017
Codes and Modes: Virtual Reality and Non-Fiction Media Symposium
Hunter College, New York City, New York

“Why Should Our Bodies End at the Skin? Dance, Military Technologies and ORA’s Thermal Traces” 2–3 February 2017
Focus on Culture, Media and Society Conference
Concordia University and UQAM, Montréal, Quebec

“How to Train Your Robot: Deep Learning and its Shallow Results”
Co-Authored with Cody Walker
3–6 November 2016
Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (SLSA) Annual Conference
Atlanta, Georgia

“Acting Versus Appearing: The GoPro and the Selfie as Instruments of Gender and ‘Authenticity.’”
10 April 2016
Bodies and Instruments Colloquium
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

“‘I’d Blush if I Could’: The Sexualized Intelligent Agent and the Problem of Gender.”
1 April 2016
Technology and the Human: Rethinking Posthumanism Conference
Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts

“Insta-Authentic: The Commodification of Slow Living.”
11–12 March 2016
Panel Organizer: “The New Authentic: Performing the Real in Culture and Media.”
Re:Turns ISCS Graduate Conference and Art Exhibition
Ryerson and York Universities, Toronto, Ontario

“Copy/Paste/Repeat: Dancing Bodies and Commodified Labour in Ming Hon’s ‘The Exhibitionist.’”
5 March 2016
HUMA Conference on Consumption and Detritus
Concordia University, Montréal, Quebec

“Sorcery of Light: The Dancer as Technology of Early Cinema.”
19–20 February 2016
Magic: Between Embodiment and Ontology Emerging Scholars and Faculty Symposium
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec

“‘Horns and Thorns, Knock-Kneed and Upright’: Joanna Newsom and the Performance of Cuteness in Popular Music.”
20-22 September 2014
4th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Beauty
Oxford University, Oxford, UK